Written in the Air... out of Nothing (Écrits en l’air...de rien)
The soul of joy
Becomes the joy of the soul
When with your aura
You embody the woman.
It sometimes speak to you
To tell you always.
Beyond telling you,
Concerning writing it.
Thoughts heal
Small things
Change everything.
A new air
Breathes now.
Changed gaze,
Sees a bit of azure.
Love confessed.
Love belongs to you.
You are no longer alone
And know who loves you.
To renounce,
To stay on the ground.
To move from the instant to the moment,
To come back to earth.
The path, the way to travel,
You will find yourself,
You will catch up with pleasure.
From great misfortune
To great happiness,
A sign of lived art.
Not simple,
But it imposes itself
As freedom.
Better this way,
Love imposes itself,
From the real of desire
To the desire of the real.
Ignite the flame
Where one amuses.
As a new beginning,
You are attached to art.